About Global Hapkido Association
Eagle Martial Arts Hapkido's black belts are certified under the Global Hapkido Association. EMA also attends GHA global events, such as the GHA World Hapkido Championships held in different countries throughout the world, as well as attending seminars in Korea.
GHA Mission Statement
“To develop Global Hapkido Association's members physically, mentally and morally; to build an appreciation for life and to enhance its quality through continued education; to build confidence, teach and understand diversity. The goals set forth serve not only to develop students as future leaders, but also the community around them.”
The Global Hapkido Association (GHA) was created by Grandmaster Hee Kwan Lee in Battle Creek, Michigan in 2013. Grandmaster Lee has acquired more than 50 years of experience in the martial arts, which included extensive leadership experience in two of Korea’s largest and most prominent Hapkido federations. He would travel to Korea, sometimes as many as four times a year to participate in executive-level leadership meetings for these organizations. It was through this experience that Grandmaster Lee realized the need for a Hapkido organization that would meet the diverse needs of its members in a way that would promote mutual growth and create a benefit to all Hapkido practitioners.
When the GHA first began, there were nine member nations (listed alphabetically): Australia, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
Thanks to the dedication of the board members meeting the needs of students, instructors, and member schools, the list of member nations continues to swell as Cuba became the 41st member nation in 2018. The GHA expects to continue to grow, providing excellent leadership skills as they continue to serve their communities: public safety, military, schools, educators, children, and adults alike.

Grand Master Lee has left an indelible mark on the world of Hap Ki Do, and his work is far from over. With the founding of the Global Hap Ki Do Association, he has his sights set on the future of Hap Ki Do around the world, with the ultimate goal of making it as well known as any other system. In 2010, Lee hosted the 8th Triennial World Hap Ki Do Championship, marking the first time that the tri-yearly event has been held outside of Korea. Lee's dedication to promoting hap ki do has led him to the Korean-language Kyung Hyang Media Group, which is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Grand Master Lee has been appointed to the position of President of the U.S. Branch of Kyung Hyang Media Group, a partnership which is mutually beneficial to both KHMG and hap ki do. The Kyung Hyang Media Group operates cable and satellite television networks, news services and other media to the Korean-language audience around the world.
Grand Master Lee's philosophy is rooted in traditional, proven techniques that have been in use for decades, but his teaching methods suggest a modern twist on that traditional focus. Lee no longer forces each of his students to train to the breaking point every day. He trains his students in technique and application, but requires his students to be responsible for their own conditioning. Because KMA is home to students from all walks of life and all age groups, it is not practical to force every student to condition themselves to the same level. Belt testing focuses on knowledge and application, rather than intense physical endurance.