Xander Soh

Assistant Instructor

10+ years martial arts experience, 2nd Dan in Hapkido and 15+ years Dance experience majoring in Contemporary and Ballet. Dedicated to bring joy and inspiration to his classes

Michael Cham

Head Personal Trainer

Michael is a Registered Personal Trainer / Gym Instructor with AUSactive and a Level 2 AUSactive Registered Professional with over 8 years in the health and fitness industry.

EMA Alex
Head BJJ Coach Alex Tse

BJJ Head Coach, Hapkido Instructor, Kickbox Fit Instructor

30+ years martial arts experience, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) black belt head coach and Hapkido 4 Dan instructor with a drive to raise his students to new heights and see them succeed.

Master Greg Walters

Global Hapkido Association Australia (GHA Australia) Chairman

8 Dan Hapkido Master. Training in martial arts since the 1970’s. Global Hapkido Association (GHA) Australia Chairman.

EMA Scott
Master Scott Walters

Hapkido Instructor

6 Dan Hapkido Master with over 20 years instructor experience, 30+ years martial arts experience and a passion for teaching and seeing his students improve.