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    the gift of martial arts

What is Brazilian Jiu Jistu (BJJ)?

What is BJJ?

Self-Defence? Wrestling? Fitness? Martial Arts?

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) stormed over the martial arts world in the last couple of decades and established itself as one of the main styles of combat arts you must know to be a complete fighter.

Even if you do not have such high aspirations, you have a lot to gain by training Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

BJJ is a martial art based on grappling and the central purpose is controlling a resisting opponent with techniques that force them to submit or incapacitate them. For this very purpose are used different principles of leverage, angles, pressure, and the knowledge where the limits of the human body lie. These skills can overcome vast differences in physical attributes like strength and weight, allowing the grappler to control much larger and more aggressive opponents. 

Now, this is a skill that you should definitely want to have.

Why is BJJ so popular?

BJJ: A Martial Art, Self-Defence and a Sport

The “gentle art” as BJJ is sometimes called has gained massive popularity worldwide for a reason. It has both very well-developed sports aspect that goes from a beginner to a professional level with international competitions, while at the same time it has proven itself to be one of the best forms of self-defense.

If you watched (or participated in) a street fight you must know that a vast percentage of the fights end up on the ground, or at least in a standing clinch position. Once there the BJJ skills reign supreme. It’s a fact that controlling a resisting person is much easier on the ground, so the majority of BJJ is centered around getting the opponent down and securing a dominant position from where they can be neutralized. 

The knowledge of how to control and subdue an opponent with whatever level of severity you choose is invaluable. For example, law enforcement personnel often need to incapacitate a threat without doing too much harm and this often can be the case in a real-life situation everybody can encounter. 


The sport of BJJ

“Position, Position, Submission.”

BJJ can also bring you medals, fame, and a career as an athlete. Even though it was developed as a system to beat a larger opponent in a confrontation since the mid-1990s the art has become a worldwide sport with a wide range of competitions ranging from kindergarten children to world level athletes. 

Sport Jiu-jitsu shares most of the elements of the self-defense version, but there are also some key differences. There are certain positions employed in the sport that are very beneficial when you are trying to score points in the specific ruleset, but it would be pure madness to use them in a real fight. Competitors also use specific tactics that exploit the rules and maximize the chance to be awarded a victory.

The core principles of the two branches of BJJ are largely the same, but some of the things used in gi-based jiu-jitsu tournaments are not applicable at all in a scenario where strikes are allowed- being a real fight or MMA match. 

With that said there are many benefits from sport BJJ that are directly applicable in real life. Preparing for a competition brings intensity of training that can be hard to reach if you are not preparing for some specific event. 

Competing in a tournament brings anxiety and adrenaline impossible to replicate in the gym and learning to control and use these feelings is an invaluable life skill. 

BJJ at Eagle Martial Arts

Practice all aspects of BJJ

Eagle Martial Arts’ BJJ program focuses on self-defense and also provides the opportunity to compete, allowing you to pursue one or both aspects of the art. EMA helps you decide which path you want to dedicate your practice to. 


Short history of BJJ

Carlos Gracie – the pioneer of BJJ

The word Brazilian in the name should be self-explanatory where the martial arts comes from, but this is not the full story. The original martial arts BJJ sprouted from is the Japanese jiu-jitsu, which was used by the samurai for hand-to-hand combat. 

Late in the 1800s, the founder of judo Jigaro Kano started to combine both styles in order to create a new martial system. In 1915 one of his emissaries- Mitsyo Maeda arrived in Brazil and began teaching and showcasing his martial art. There a young kid named Carlos Gracie was brought in to the dojo by his father. In his hands and that of the Gracie family, jiu-jitsu evolved into a different animal that later became known as Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Since the very early days, the Gracies tested their style in challenge matches, street fights, and even professional bouts against any and all other styles to prove the efficiency of their art. Generations of the Gracie family members honed and perfected the art before we arrive in the early 1990s and the rise of the UFC. 

The beginnings of modern MMA are indeed tightly connected to proving that BJJ is the superior combat art. In 1993 a relatively small man Royce Gracie dominated the first Ultimate Fighting tournament using only his grappling skills and exploded the popularity of BJJ as an indispensable addition to the skillset of a complete fighter. 

EMA BJJ Lineage
(Picture: Eagle Martial Arts BJJ Instructor Lineage)

Get the benefits of BJJ

Self-Defence, Strength, Flexibility, Endurance, Fitness & more

There are huge physical and well-documented benefits in training BJJ. Jiu-jitsu challenges the body in pretty much all aspects- strength, flexibility, endurance, durability. You develop your body while also learning new skills.

Some might argue that the mental gains are even more than the physical ones. Practicing any martial art is a never-ending journey to self-improvement that builds character, fortifies the mind, and develops mental fortitude. BJJ is also known as “human chess” for its countless techniques and concepts. Immersing yourself in them will surely sharpen your mind and body.

BJJ has proven to be one of the most potent self-defense systems on the planet. Unlike many other styles and systems, it was thrown into the fire of real conflict countless times to be strengthened and perfected. 

It is also an amazing and complex sport, an integral part of Mixed Martial Arts, and even a great workout for health. 

Jiu jitsu for you can be any of these aspects or maybe something else you want it to be. Come join the BJJ program at EMA and start discovering what BJJ is for you.

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Eagle Martial Arts Blog Image
COVID-19 UPDATE – 27/05/2021


*Date may change based on advice from VIC Gov Health. 

Due to the Covid-19 lock-down, training will be cancelled from today, 27 May 2021, and return on 4 June 2021. Our return date may vary based on advice from VIC Gov Health. 

How does this affect your classes?

Four Week Trial (All Classes)

For all students currently on a four week trial, we will be extending your trial by another week.

EMA Eaglets and Little Eagles (3yo-6yo)

Eaglets and Eagles can book make up classes, please speak with your EMA instructor to book in a time. Available classes for Eaglets and Little Eagles can be found at 


Junior, Teen and Adult Hapkido

Hapkido student fees cover two classes a week, however, there are three classes a week available. It is recommended that students utilise their third class to make up for any missed classes during the lock down. If this is not possible, please speak with your instructor to organise an alternative.

Adult BJJ

Those students on a 10 Class Pass should not be affected as your classes do not expire. 

For students paying fortnightly, a private session(s) will be organised in place of any missed classes due to the lock-down.

For more information on VIC Gov’s Covid response, please find more information here:


Please find information on exposure sites here:  


Thank you again for your support. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Let’s stay covid safe!

359 Views0
Eagle Martial Arts Blog Image
COVID-19 UPDATE – 25/05/2021

This post is now out of date.

Please see latest post here:


To all members of EMA and those wishing to visit us, please update yourselves on the current restrictions and advice that has been recently provided by the Premier’s office via  https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/additional-covidsafe…

If you have been to or had any contact with people who have been to these exposure sites, do not come to training and follow the VIC Gov’s public health advice  https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/exposure-sites

At this stage TRAINING WILL CONTINUE AS PER NORMAL. There are NO CHANGES to our current schedule.

There are some procedures that must stay in place as per the VIC Gov’s requirements. Your cooperation is much appreciated.


Contact tracing is an essential requirement for all business operations. Please check in electronically using the barcode at the entrance upon arrival on each visit to the EMA dojang/dojo (gym). This is required for both adults and kids classes.


When entering the dojang/dojo; Please sanitise your hands. Masks must be worn indoors when not participating in training from 6pm May 25 2021. This includes all students that are not yet on the mats and parents/spectators (applies to all people that are 12 years old and over).


Always adhere to our usual standards of hygiene, clean Dobok/Gi (uniform), cuts or abrasions taped prior to class and wear appropriate training gear.


Do not come to training if;
– You are sick with flu, cold or have had symptoms of COVID-19 in the past two weeks,
– Tested positive for COVID-19,
– Are awaiting test results for COVID-19,
– Have been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19,
– You are a returning traveller from interstate or overseas until you have been processed through the usual procedures.

Thank you again for your support. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Let’s train covid safe!

253 Views0
EMA Mat 1
The Eagle has landed in Mulgrave!

EMA – Eagle Martial Arts – has moved into our new home in Mulgrave

EMA – Eagle Martial Arts – 6/35 Dunlop Road, Mulgrave VIC

We are very excited to announce that EMA has now moved into, and are close to finishing our new home in Mulgrave VIC.

Our new home consists of three main training floors, two downstairs and one upstairs, as well as room for a beginners/warmup mat, change rooms and even some room for some weights and fitness equipment in the near future.

Our launch date is set at April 19, the start of Term 2. We will be offering Kid’s Martial Arts, Junior and Adult Martial Arts (Hapkido) and Teen/Adult Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes.

Check out some pics of EMA’s new home here

Mat 1
Mat 2, Change Rooms & Beginner Mat (right)
Mat 3

Watch a walkthrough of EMA’s new location – by our BJJ Coach and Hapkido Sabeomnim, Alex Tse

eagle martial arts, ema, melbourne martial arts, martial arts melbourne, martial arts in melbourne, martial art melbourne, brazilian jiu jitsu near me, brazilian jiu jistu, bjj near me, mma, kids martial arts, kids martial arts near me, hapkido, hapkido near me, karate near me, karate class near me, karate kids near me, martial arts kids near me, jiu jitsu near me, taekwondo near me, martial art for kids near me, martial arts for kids near me, aikido near me, martial arts mulgrave, mulgrave martial arts, bjj melbourne, bjj in melbourne, jiu jitsu melbourne, melbourne jiu jitsu, bjj mulgrave, jiu jitsu mulgrave

635 Views0
Eagle Martial Arts Blog Image
EMA (Eagle Martial Arts) coming soon to Mulgrave!

Eagle Martial Arts Update

After operating Eagle Martial Arts for nearly 20 years, Masters Scott Walters and Alex Tse have once again joined forces and decided to create a permanent home for EMA in Mulgrave VIC.

The syllabus for most classes have been upgraded and improved to be more fun, give more structure to learning and increase every EMA’s student’s ability to learn, improve and reach their goals. 

Read more
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